Inside My Souls Vision ~ Visions of Yesterday
Visions of Yesterday ~ was a time in which I knew all there was to know: not yet! I learned the difficult lesson, that life was not going to be easy. It was innocence in love, growing up and the feelings of uncertainty, that would begin shaping me as an individual, wondering all the while, just what the future would hold.
Writing my feelings ~ Visions of Yesterday ~ as they occurred, now allows me time to remember. Especially the people who surrounded my life during that period with new challenges and exciting events to cherish. They gave me love and inspiration that became my own unique spirit of life, passing through my thoughts that continue life's learning with conviction. The mystery of the future, how to cope with the decisions we make, comes by reflecting on the past. Reflecting places stepping stones to support others, as they too cross bridges, touching my life with new memories every day. Flourishing ideas of tomorrows dreams comes from understanding Visions of Yesterday.
My wish is that I will touch your life in some small way, to be a positive influence on achieving goals in life: To conquer. That you will be fortunate in life to experience memories fulfilling you on your continuing path, focusing yourself, taking hold of life and all it has to offer. Acknowledge all things you do and see them as beautiful. Appreciate who you are and learn to understand others. All the ups and downs in life we all face, have a reason; thus all things positive. Remember, only you can live your life. None of us can change our past, but each of us can find an inner peace to prosper in the future.
Begin Today: Reflecting on your Yesterday - to share for all Tomorrows.